Thursday, September 2, 2010

Change Is Coming

There is change in the air. Autumn winds have begun blowing some of the dried tree leaves into our pool. The shadows of fall are gathering around the sky. Change is coming. This is also true for me. Change has begun to establish itself all around me. My clothes are getting too big to wear. My bones are beginning to emerge from the soft tissue that used to incase them. My muscle tissue is still somewhat limp from inactivity but change is coming swiftly. My doctor gave me a B12 shot last week and my energy has returned! I am changing inwardly too. I looked in the mirror the other day and had to do a double take. I have lost 44lbs since my surgery. 44lbs in 5 weeks! That is just amazing! I feel like life is now beginning for me. I took my girls on a play date on Tuesday and was sitting with my legs crossed for at least 20 minutes before it occured to me that I had my legs crossed. I cannot remember the last time I was able to do that. Change is coming.

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