Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Homeschooling Momma!

So my next door neighbors do not speak English. This has made neighborly relations difficult as there is this huge communication barrier. Russ and I have each had plenty of Spanish classes between high school and college but cannot form a sentence beyond "How are you" or "Where is the bathroom". So a few weeks ago my oldest daughter told me that she was interested in saying a few words in Spanish. Sure! No problem. We started out with the small sentences that I knew. Now she wants to know the alphabet and the colors. Suddenly, I am teaching Spanish. It is amazing how that happened. Something I love about Homeschooling is that we can run with anything my girls are interested in. I am clearly stretched by all this but I am kind of enjoying it. We actually had a small conversation with my Spanish-speaking neighbor a couple of days ago. How cool is that!!

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