So I just finished watching Marley and Me...all I can say is I cried like a baby. It is not because it was such an awesome movie either....I was thinking of my own dog. I have had Lucy for the last 9 years. Lucy came to me and my sister Amy through the local humane society. The best $70 investment I believe we have ever made.
We had made a decision to get a boy dog so Amy could name him Lucky... I hated that name...but it was better then her other choice (Bob Barker). When we got to the humane society we were on a hunt to find a 6 to 8 week puppy that was a smaller breed as we lived in an apartment and were charged per month in accordance to how much the dog weighed. The only puppies I could see were some beagles and they looked pretty big. Also, they were that a word? The noise factor got me to look elsewhere immediately. That was when I discovered Lucy.
In a nearby crate, there sat a tiny black andwhite puppy. She was very quiet and was just sitting there looking sad. As soon as I saw her, I knew she was our dog. Perfect in every way ~that is until I turned it over and discoverd that he was a she! So hence the dog went from Lucky to Lucy Lu!
It became clear within days that Lucy was going to be my dog. I just loved her until it hurt. The first night Lucy was home with us was rough. I read in some puppy book that you should have a crate fo the dog and that it would become a bed for the dog. Lucy apparently thought of it like prision with a capitol P!! She whined and cried and bow-o-led the entire night. I think at 3 a.m. I finally gave in and let her sleep with me. She has been an occupant of my bed ever since.
I would walk her every morning and every night. It was a daily routine not really a chore. While we lived in the apartment she would frequently run away from home to get me to walk her a little longer. So annoying when I was on my way to work and had to be late because of dog chasing responsibilities! Grrrr.
My husband Russ and I met on the worked for me!! Anyway, I had put in my profile "must love dogs". Russ said that was one of the reasons he had responded to my profile! When Russ arrived for our first date, I was still getting ready and so my sister Amy grilled him before I came downstairs. Once I arrived, he was sitting on the couch holding Lucy as if he had know her for years. I think he fell in love with Lucy first.
Well, I think you get the picture. This dog has been a part of my life for a long time and I can't imagine our home without her. My daughters love her as much as I do. That is the part that made me cry the most in the movie. It is a real joy to have an animal but such sorrow to think that someday we will lose her.
A couple of months ago I started to notice that Lucy was getting some grey hair around her snout. A small pang hit my heart. I don't want to think of her getting old. I had a conversation with her that day and told her that I would never let her suffer. A little bit of Erika backgound~My father is known for letting dogs go to their last day in pain and suffering because he just can't bare to let them go. In my life I have seen two beloved dogs die this way. I will not let this happen to my Lucy. I love her too much to see her suffer like that. Although the decision to let her go will be painful for me I know that decision would make less pain for her.
This is what I thought of as I watched this movie~my own inevitable loss of my beloved Lucy Lu. All in all I hope that this choice is many years away. I am so glad that I have a pet. They really are your best friend, companion, heat provider in the middle of the night, joy causer, frustration inducing, laugh making and heart warming. I love my Lucy and cannot imagine what our family would be like without her.
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