So every night Maddie and I go over new bible verses for her to memorize. She is three and a half and has four or five verses memorized so far. That is pretty impressive to me! Well a couple of nights ago I was trying to teach her Matthew 6:33 "Seek first His Kingdom and His Righteousness and all these things will be added unto you as well". It suddenly occured to me that this was a song and maybe it would be easier to learn and retain for a preschooler. Well she loved it and now wants me to sing all of the songs I know to her. Ha! That is a long list!
This led me to a whole train of thought of all the songs I knew. I started thinking about all the disco music that I used to love...ABBA, Gloria Gainer, the Violent Femms, Prince, The Gap Band, KC and the Sunshine Band...etc. The list could go on forever. Were these songs that I wanted her to know? Wow that really made me feel like a corrupted soul.
I have a friend who once told me that your children bring out all of your sin that you didn't even know you had. How true it is. I never looked at that music as wrong or polluted in anyway really. But to think of my daughter singing something like Brickhouse for instance made me realize how dirty the words are. Singing about some woman letting it all hang out is not really seeking first God, His Kingdom or His righteousness.
Something to ponder...
II Corinthians 6:14 "Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?"
The life and times of four blondes and one tall dark and handsome man!
Sunday, May 17, 2009

So this past week has been a lot of learning new music which always causes me insomnia. So frustrating. I wonder if this happens to everyone? Truely, I will go a week without sleep when I am working on a new song. Right now I have three songs in my head from Hello Dolly. More concerning is the fact that the songs also include dance routines. For that matter, I am even more worried and go over the steps in my head...this could go on forever.
I will say that being in a musical is somewhat more satisfying because there is more than one performance. When I am learning music for church or a wedding-you sing it once or twice and it is over...all that worry for what. There are, I think 8 or 9 performances of Hello Dolly. I am getting pretty excited about it. So glad that I got this off my bucket list alas!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Lucy Lu
So I just finished watching Marley and Me...all I can say is I cried like a baby. It is not because it was such an awesome movie either....I was thinking of my own dog. I have had Lucy for the last 9 years. Lucy came to me and my sister Amy through the local humane society. The best $70 investment I believe we have ever made.
We had made a decision to get a boy dog so Amy could name him Lucky... I hated that name...but it was better then her other choice (Bob Barker). When we got to the humane society we were on a hunt to find a 6 to 8 week puppy that was a smaller breed as we lived in an apartment and were charged per month in accordance to how much the dog weighed. The only puppies I could see were some beagles and they looked pretty big. Also, they were that a word? The noise factor got me to look elsewhere immediately. That was when I discovered Lucy.
In a nearby crate, there sat a tiny black andwhite puppy. She was very quiet and was just sitting there looking sad. As soon as I saw her, I knew she was our dog. Perfect in every way ~that is until I turned it over and discoverd that he was a she! So hence the dog went from Lucky to Lucy Lu!
It became clear within days that Lucy was going to be my dog. I just loved her until it hurt. The first night Lucy was home with us was rough. I read in some puppy book that you should have a crate fo the dog and that it would become a bed for the dog. Lucy apparently thought of it like prision with a capitol P!! She whined and cried and bow-o-led the entire night. I think at 3 a.m. I finally gave in and let her sleep with me. She has been an occupant of my bed ever since.
I would walk her every morning and every night. It was a daily routine not really a chore. While we lived in the apartment she would frequently run away from home to get me to walk her a little longer. So annoying when I was on my way to work and had to be late because of dog chasing responsibilities! Grrrr.
My husband Russ and I met on the worked for me!! Anyway, I had put in my profile "must love dogs". Russ said that was one of the reasons he had responded to my profile! When Russ arrived for our first date, I was still getting ready and so my sister Amy grilled him before I came downstairs. Once I arrived, he was sitting on the couch holding Lucy as if he had know her for years. I think he fell in love with Lucy first.
Well, I think you get the picture. This dog has been a part of my life for a long time and I can't imagine our home without her. My daughters love her as much as I do. That is the part that made me cry the most in the movie. It is a real joy to have an animal but such sorrow to think that someday we will lose her.
A couple of months ago I started to notice that Lucy was getting some grey hair around her snout. A small pang hit my heart. I don't want to think of her getting old. I had a conversation with her that day and told her that I would never let her suffer. A little bit of Erika backgound~My father is known for letting dogs go to their last day in pain and suffering because he just can't bare to let them go. In my life I have seen two beloved dogs die this way. I will not let this happen to my Lucy. I love her too much to see her suffer like that. Although the decision to let her go will be painful for me I know that decision would make less pain for her.
This is what I thought of as I watched this movie~my own inevitable loss of my beloved Lucy Lu. All in all I hope that this choice is many years away. I am so glad that I have a pet. They really are your best friend, companion, heat provider in the middle of the night, joy causer, frustration inducing, laugh making and heart warming. I love my Lucy and cannot imagine what our family would be like without her.
P.J. Day
So I decided to forego the gym this morning and just have a pajama with my girls. They are
watching Duck Tails from the 80's. My aunt gave me all of the old VHS tapes she had from when my cousins were young. They are so fun...right down memory lane. I love pajama day!! How fun to just sit back and enjoy my children while I still can!
watching Duck Tails from the 80's. My aunt gave me all of the old VHS tapes she had from when my cousins were young. They are so fun...right down memory lane. I love pajama day!! How fun to just sit back and enjoy my children while I still can!
Friday, April 3, 2009
The A to Z about Me!
So since this is my first blog entry, I thouht that I should explain a little about myself. Why not use a stupid survey from Facebook to do it! Ha! So here you go... the A to Z about me: Shiney Blonde Girl Extrodinaire!
A- Available: Nope! Married 6. 5 years to my main squeeze!
Age: 35
Annoyance: Rude people
Animal: one black and white dog
B- Beer: not a fan
Birthday: January 31st
Best Friend: My husband~cheesy but true!
Blind or Deaf: If given the choice I would rather be deaf...that is in part because I am fluent in ASL!
Best weather: Sunny and warm...
Believe in Magic: Nope...believe in the Wonder of God!
Believe in Santa: I tell my kids that Santa reminds us of Jesus's birthday~that's why he brings presents! Happy Birthday Jesus!
C- Candy: Godiva
Color: Green or's a toss up!
Chocolate/Vanilla: Chocolate forever
Chinese/Mexican Food: Chinese
Cake or pie: both
Continent to visit: Europe...cannot wait to visit!
Cheese: Anything sharp and stinky! Gotta love cheese!
D- Day or Night: Day~I am an annoying morning person
Dancing in the rain: of course! I also drive with the windows down. I like looking like a wild woman!
E- Eyes: blue
Everyone's got: sin, a butt and to pay taxes
Ever failed a class: Of course...that stinks
F- First thoughts waking up: I have to pee!
Food: Italian Anything!
G- Greatest Fear: My children suffering
Goals: Where do I begin...I have too many.
Get along with your parents: You bet!
H- Hair Color: Blonde of course!!
Height: 5'6
Happy: Yes
Holiday: Easter! He is risen indeed!
How do you want to die: in my sleep
I- Ice Cream: Strawberry with hot fudge.
Instrument: Does my voice count. Can't play anything, but I sing like everything.
J- Jewelry: wedding rings
Job: Stay at home momma!
K- Kids: two girls...maybe one more.
Kickboxing or karate: neither...I do not speak sport!
Keep a journal: have kept a journal for 20 years and counting!
L- Love: God, my husband and girls, family and that order.
Laughed so hard you cried: All the time...this also makes me pee my pants...weak bladder since having my children!
M- Milk Flavor: white?
Movies: Indiana Jones, Groundhog Day, Lord of the Rings, The Chronicles of Narnia, Harry Potter, Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Predjudice....I really could go on forever!
Motion sickness: Anytime I go for a cruise on a big boat. I seriously have to lay on the floor to cope!
McD’s or BK: Micky D's but only for breakfast.
N- Number: I don't have a special number
O-One wish (prayer): That my children be happy and healthy, but most of all that they love the Lord their God all the days of their lives and serve Him all their days.
P- Pepsi/Coke: Diet Coke (always)
Perfect Pizza: mushrooms, green pepper, onions
Piercings: in my ears
Q- Quail: hugh?
Quilt: I don't speak craft
R:- Reality tv: None...I get tired of people being so mean to eachother.
Radio Station: K-Love
Ring size: 10- Fat fingers!
S- Song: Whatever I am singing at the moment. The last was a Casting Crowns song...
Shoe size: 11- fat feet!
Salad Dressing: Ranch
Sushi: bla...choke choke...bla!
Shower: Every day
Strawberries/Blueberries: both
T- Tattoos: no...I detest tattoos.
Time for bed: 11
Thunderstorms: love them!
U- Unpredictable: Always
V- Vacation spot(s): Italy
W- Weakness: Food!
Worst Feeling: fear
Worst Weather: cold...It makes me want to hibernate
X- X-Rays: Haven't had too many.
Y-Year it is now: 2009
Yellow: is the color of pee
Z- Zoo animals: Lion~Roar! Walrus~Funny! Bears~Adorable until they eat you! Whales~amazing! I love the zoo!
A- Available: Nope! Married 6. 5 years to my main squeeze!
Age: 35
Annoyance: Rude people
Animal: one black and white dog
B- Beer: not a fan
Birthday: January 31st
Best Friend: My husband~cheesy but true!
Blind or Deaf: If given the choice I would rather be deaf...that is in part because I am fluent in ASL!
Best weather: Sunny and warm...
Believe in Magic: Nope...believe in the Wonder of God!
Believe in Santa: I tell my kids that Santa reminds us of Jesus's birthday~that's why he brings presents! Happy Birthday Jesus!
C- Candy: Godiva
Color: Green or's a toss up!
Chocolate/Vanilla: Chocolate forever
Chinese/Mexican Food: Chinese
Cake or pie: both
Continent to visit: Europe...cannot wait to visit!
Cheese: Anything sharp and stinky! Gotta love cheese!
D- Day or Night: Day~I am an annoying morning person
Dancing in the rain: of course! I also drive with the windows down. I like looking like a wild woman!
E- Eyes: blue
Everyone's got: sin, a butt and to pay taxes
Ever failed a class: Of course...that stinks
F- First thoughts waking up: I have to pee!
Food: Italian Anything!
G- Greatest Fear: My children suffering
Goals: Where do I begin...I have too many.
Get along with your parents: You bet!
H- Hair Color: Blonde of course!!
Height: 5'6
Happy: Yes
Holiday: Easter! He is risen indeed!
How do you want to die: in my sleep
I- Ice Cream: Strawberry with hot fudge.
Instrument: Does my voice count. Can't play anything, but I sing like everything.
J- Jewelry: wedding rings
Job: Stay at home momma!
K- Kids: two girls...maybe one more.
Kickboxing or karate: neither...I do not speak sport!
Keep a journal: have kept a journal for 20 years and counting!
L- Love: God, my husband and girls, family and that order.
Laughed so hard you cried: All the time...this also makes me pee my pants...weak bladder since having my children!
M- Milk Flavor: white?
Movies: Indiana Jones, Groundhog Day, Lord of the Rings, The Chronicles of Narnia, Harry Potter, Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Predjudice....I really could go on forever!
Motion sickness: Anytime I go for a cruise on a big boat. I seriously have to lay on the floor to cope!
McD’s or BK: Micky D's but only for breakfast.
N- Number: I don't have a special number
O-One wish (prayer): That my children be happy and healthy, but most of all that they love the Lord their God all the days of their lives and serve Him all their days.
P- Pepsi/Coke: Diet Coke (always)
Perfect Pizza: mushrooms, green pepper, onions
Piercings: in my ears
Q- Quail: hugh?
Quilt: I don't speak craft
R:- Reality tv: None...I get tired of people being so mean to eachother.
Radio Station: K-Love
Ring size: 10- Fat fingers!
S- Song: Whatever I am singing at the moment. The last was a Casting Crowns song...
Shoe size: 11- fat feet!
Salad Dressing: Ranch
Sushi: bla...choke choke...bla!
Shower: Every day
Strawberries/Blueberries: both
T- Tattoos: no...I detest tattoos.
Time for bed: 11
Thunderstorms: love them!
U- Unpredictable: Always
V- Vacation spot(s): Italy
W- Weakness: Food!
Worst Feeling: fear
Worst Weather: cold...It makes me want to hibernate
X- X-Rays: Haven't had too many.
Y-Year it is now: 2009
Yellow: is the color of pee
Z- Zoo animals: Lion~Roar! Walrus~Funny! Bears~Adorable until they eat you! Whales~amazing! I love the zoo!
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