So here is has been three weeks to the day of my surgery. It is a new and strange world for me. I feel really good most of the time. Eating is a challenge. I am still on a mostly liquid diet and that has made me pretty miserable. I have always had a fondness for soup but after this experience, I may never want it again. The biggest change that I have seen in myself is the amounts that I eat. There is just no way to explain how it feels when I take one bite too many...I just feel sick. Really sick. This has even happened with water. I am basically re-learning to eat and drink. Three bites of food used to just be the start of my meal and now that is my meal. It has made me more selective of what I choose to put in my mouth. I am anxious for the six weeks of soft food diet to be over just so I can start testing my new stomach for foods that I like.
The scale is another thing to add to the strange list. When Russ and I met 8 years ago- I weighed 10 pounds more than him. Within this last week, I now weigh 5 pounds less than him. That has never happened. It was a milestone for me because I have always felt ashamed that I was heavier than my husband. I suppose that there was always this vision in the back of my head of the husband carring his wife over the threshold. Maybe that will be me someday. Maybe it will.
I met my first goal yesterday! My next goal is 25 lbs away! That will be a huge milestone for me as it will be the lightest Russ has ever seen me. I am excited about that! My clothes aren't really baggy yet- just loose. That is fine with me. I don't want to have to buy anything new just yet. I found some cool summer dresses that will take me into the fall for a while. There are drawstrings on them so I will easily be able to make them smaller.
On the 29th of August I will post the first round of pictures as that will be a month from my surgery date! This is a strange journey that I am on. My body seems to be changing daily and my heart is changing with it.